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A complete ink that can be added in any quantity to ready mixed inks to improve the printability through finer meshes. Reduces any tendency to build up during multicolour wet on wet printing and gives a soft hand feel.


  • Delivery

    In stock and available to ship on overnight delivery to most parts of the U.K. Postcode and area restrictions apply.

  • Technical Specifications

    Percentage Addition: Up to 50% may be added to high opacity ink systems

    Mesh Size: Up to 90T mesh dependent on percentage added

    Stencils: Use TC6016 Emulsion No.5 or TC6043 Emulsion No.14

    Curing: 160°C

    Washability: Excellent - do not dry clean or iron printed areas

    Printing: Not recommended for addition to low bleed inks when printing on polyester

    Caution: Always test this product for print qualities required before use in print production


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